Utilise psychological techniques to achieve clarity of mind

Many aspects of the working world can have an impact on our mental wellbeing.

The challenges that the pandemic has thrown at us over the past year has magnified this, highlighting the importance of self care more than ever. 

COVID has led to many changes being made in workplaces across the globe to ensure safety and to adapt to varying industry demands. Many people have struggled to adapt to these different working landscapes; achieving professional business output and balancing this with family demands when working from home is tricky.

The key is to address any issues quickly with the confidence to navigate your way to synergy and harmony.

That’s where we come in...

Our Psychology at Work online course offers delegates the chance to strengthen self awareness, appreciating and embracing clarity of mind. This will result in improved emotional resilience by utilising a range of psychological tools and techniques.

Main topics covered:
  • Overview of popular psychology tools and how these can be utilised
  • Utilising the practical benefits within a business context
  • Developing presence of mind
  • Introduction to state of mind principles
How will this course benefit you?
  • It’ll encourage you to adapt your mindset, attitudes and behaviours to enable success
  • Participants are more agile and adaptable to the pressures around them, resulting in increased potential for decision making and removing stress and uncertainty
  • Your communication skills will be enhanced, resulting in a greater level of collaborative working
  • You’ll identify ways to increase levels of resilience within yourself and others

The course, which will be hosted on Zoom, will take place on Tuesday 27 April 2021, kicking off at 9.30am and concluding at 4.30pm with a break for lunch. The format of the day will be as follows:

  • Introduction and welcome
  • Getting to know the group, identifying goals for the day
  • What drives what people feel or think?
  • Theory delivery featuring models and examples
  • Break out into small groups for experiential exercises
  • Informal discussion, idea sharing and feedback
  • Reinforcement of theory and the importance of making changes

Who will lead the course?

The course is led by Peter Taylor, a trainer with 30+ years experience in the industry. His intuitive and flexible approach means that each course will evolve in line with what the delegates seek to achieve from the session, whilst ensuring the main principles are covered.

Peter will be responsive to each group’s needs on the day; he is skilled at shaping the course around individual goals and will facilitate exploration of these alongside some key areas of focus.

Typical areas of focus for this course include:
  • Mental wellbeing and resilience
  • Communication skills such as communicating with clients and colleagues and speaking up in meetings
  • Personal development and confidence-raising
  • Assertiveness and influencing skills
  • Adapting to change in the workplace (particular focus on COVID-related change, working from home etc)
  • Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP)

The course seeks to settle any issues the participants have and will give you the techniques you need to make the necessary changes. You’ll learn how to enhance your wellbeing, which will inevitably lead to improved clarity of mind and performance at work.

Peter said: “Whatever the delegates are dealing with, I seek to uncover and address the challenges that each attendee is facing and help them to find a way through. I want to help each and every person to improve their wellbeing and work on any issues they have using a range of psychological techniques. I do all I can to inspire the changes that need to be made.”

What the delegates say:

“I attended Peter’s Psychology at Work course. It was absolutely fantastic. Pete is engaging and knowledgeable and keeps you enticed throughout (which is hard to do on Zoom). He explained things brilliantly and got the whole group involved. Really good day and I would recommend it to anyone.” Billy, course delegate

Flexible delivery, exceptional facilities

All of our courses and training can be delivered flexibly. We’re currently delivering the majority of training remotely via Zoom due to the national lockdown, but are looking forward to welcoming you back into our centre when restrictions are lifted. All training undertaken at our Centre is completely COVID-secure, with social distancing and other safety measures in place.

We hope to run further Psychology at Work courses at our Portsmouth-based centre later in the year and we look forward to sharing our exceptional facilities with you! Get in touch for further information.

This course is taking place on Tuesday 27 April 2021, commencing at 9.30am. Get in touch to find out more about this course!


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