Summary: A course James studied at college made him completely change his career plan! After college, higher education did not appeal to him, but he was keen to gain more knowledge and experience so an apprenticeship seemed the ideal solution.
What made you choose an apprenticeship?
Whilst I was at college I realised I no longer wanted to pursue my original career plan - I’d completed an IT course which immediately got me hooked on computers! After I finished college, higher education did not appeal to me, but I still had the motivation to become more experienced and knowledgeable in the IT sector so when the opportunity of an apprenticeship was brought to my attention, I thought it was perfect! Learning whilst earning seemed ideal.
What’s the best part of your job and being an apprentice?
I completed both my Level 2 and Level 3 apprenticeships with PETA and was then offered a permanent position with Apollo. What I liked the most about my apprenticeship was being able to take your experiences at work and apply them to a qualification. Knowing that you were solving a work issue whilst also completing part of your qualification was a good feeling!
Since completing my apprenticeship I have been promoted to IT Support Manager after only four years with the company. This means I now manage the new apprentices which allows me to support the growth of these individuals through the apprenticeship scheme.
Would you recommend apprenticeships and if so why?
Yes - it’s a great way to start your career and also ideal for those looking to embark on a new career path.
About Apollo Fire Detectors Ltd
Apollo is one of the largest subsidiaries of Halma Group PLC which is a FTSE 100 company. For over 40 years, Apollo have designed and manufactured fire detection devices and pride themselves on keeping people safe and saving lives. Apollo holds a Royal Warrant and sells products all around the world.