Summary: After leaving college with poor grades, George was unsure of his next steps. When he discovered that an apprenticeship was an option for him, he jumped at the chance to build his skills and tackle new challenges…
What made you choose an apprenticeship?
After leaving college with poor grades, I worked in low-skill jobs and didn’t start my apprenticeship until I was 22. I wanted to make a change and pursue something that interested me but was also challenging.
What’s the best part of your job and being an apprentice?
I’m an IT Technician and every day feels different as there’s always a new challenge to solve. I was able to turn a hobby into a living whilst also building up my skills. I feel like I’ve learned so much over the past three years!
Would you recommend apprenticeships and if so why?
I would definitely recommend doing an apprenticeship. I’ve always struggled with classroom learning but undertaking an apprenticeship allowed me to apply my skills in real situations and learn hands-on, which really suited me.
About Apollo Fire Detectors Ltd
Apollo is one of the largest subsidiaries of Halma Group PLC which is a FTSE 100 company. For over 40 years, Apollo have designed and manufactured fire detection devices and pride themselves on keeping people safe and saving lives. Apollo holds a Royal Warrant and sells products all around the world.